Zach SullivanTattoo IssueA Matter of PerspectiveAs a 34-year-old native Austinite, I’ve seen the rise in acceptance of tattoos. I was a child who was appreciative of alternative...
Amy CatonTattoo IssueThe Illustrated LibrarianTattoos are a manifestation of our identities; they represent our passions, life events, and communities. Librarians are trusted...
Dan MarksTattoo IssueMarked For LifeI once thought it a fine act of marksmanship to fire a round down an empty bullet casing at close range. Don’t judge. I was drunk. I was...
Juan GonzalesTattoo IssueTattoo Culture Behind BarsI am in TDCJ, arguably the harshest prison system in the United States. Tattooing is most definitely against the rules here, but it is an...
Adam GarrisonTattoo IssuePracticing the PokeMy name is Adam Garrison, I’m a local artist born and raised here in Galveston Texas. I’ve always loved art of all kinds and the many...
Julian JimenezTattoo IssueWhat You Thought You Knew About Tattoo“When you do a bad tattoo, people hate you for the rest of your life,” said Mel Black, a musician and tattoo artist working out of Flying...