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Spring is in the air - Surf, Skate, Repeat

surf skate issue, Culture Clash Magazine Galveston TX

Spring has officially sprung and the Galveston scene is starting to heat up! As thousands of tourists and families flood our island to lie on the beaches and eat at the restaurants, they can only imagine what it must be like to be a full-time resident.

Those of us lucky enough to live the dream understand that this season of extra traffic and littered beaches brings mixed emotions of good and bad. We love our tourists for the revenue they bring but we despise the mess and the disrespect. The one wish I think we all share is that there might be a way to convey this message lightly. When you find one, let us know!

For now the best thing the Culture Clash Crew could come up with is a bit of release. We invite you to check out our April/May issue. This time we focus solely on the Surf and Skate scene here in Galvy.

G-town is known for many things, but waves and concrete aren't it. Truth be told, the waves here are just barely enough to stoke any Gulf Coast surfers' flames. And when there are no waves to be found, the smattering of ramps and structures offer slight reprieve. But it is ours dammit, and we will take what we can get!

As you flip through this issue take time to soak in the intracacies of each article. Our writers and photographers came prepared with their best. They put heart and soul into it with hopes of offering you, our reader, the closest look at the real scene.

Below we offer a closer look at the images seen in this special issue of Culture Clash Magazine


SURF PHOTOS: Courtesy of Billy Hill and Rob Hinson

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Billy Hill, G-town Surf

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Billy Hill, G-town Surf

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Rob Henson

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Rob Henson

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Billy Hill, G-town Surf

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Billy Hill, G-town Surf

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018 photo by Steve Harris Photo

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, William "Boog" Cram 1979

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, William "Boog" Cram 1990

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, Alvin Cooper 1979

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, Bobby Morrow 1980

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, William "Boog" Cram 1990

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, Alvin Cooper 1979

Culture Clash Magazine, Surf Skate Issue, March 2018, Flynn Donovan

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