La Izquierda mi Querida
Who are you? The longer time passes between what we think and what we feel, the more opportunity there is for silence.
Almost one year ago, our community of like-minded(ish) weirdos all got together at the 91st Street fishing pier to celebrate La Izquierda, a cosmically aligned festival of surf and music. The vibes were through the roof. Anyone there that day will tell you something special went down on May 12, 2018. Whether it was the music, the surf, the yoga, or the beer, people all say it was magic. There were even waves.
We raised over $6,000 for Surfrider Foundation, Galveston Chapter, whose mission is the protection and enjoyment of oceans, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network. They run plastic bag cleanups and campaigns, send people to Washington to be real, and meet up on a regular basis for solidarity. I think we can all get on board with that.
We brought loud and clear original music of all kinds to the hearts of the thousands of hand clapping attendees. We sent the grand prize long boarder to Costa Rica with his chica for an all-inclusive surf getaway. Jimmy’s on the Pier was slammed from morning to night with their best day ever, and dozens of up and coming craft breweries introduced themselves to the palettes of the drinkers who judged the friendly and democratic beer completion. Go GIB!
It was a huge success by everyone’s standards, so we are doing it again on the same second weekend of May. Mark your calendars for May 11, 2019. La Izquierda Dos. It’s right before Mother’s Day, so la Izquierda su madre.
We’re bringing some new all-star bands to the lineup like Los Skarnales, as well as several original crew from last year who rocked the seas and heavens.
All of the trophies last year were pieces created by Galveston area artists, and this year we’ve been given more space to allow the donors to show and sell their work. In fact, Jimmy gave us the whole pier so we’re open to just about anything. What do you want La Izquierda to be for you? What do you create? What do you share? It’s gathering momentum and we’d like more of you to be a part of it. We’ve even got a legit website, Communicate your ideas with us. Please let us know what you think, and come to Jimmie’s On the Pier on May 11th. I will be there.