Black Girl “Spoken” Magic
It’s time to bring positivity to the forefront. It’s time to focus on being part of the solution team. Below I share wonderful quotes I have read over the years, some of them other sisters may have never read. May their words flow into their spirits and perhaps someday be shared at a future time with other young Afrocentric sisters. Words we read or hear can be powerful. They can affect our minds in many ways. The following quotes are by Afrocentric women.

"We will band together and survive or live apart and die as fools". -SUSAN TAYLOR, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, ESSENCE MAGAZINE
"In search of my mother’s garden, I found my own." - ALICE WALKER, PULITZER PRIZEWINNING AUTHOR
"I refused to be discouraged, for neither God nor man could use a discouraged soul." - MARY MCLEOD BETHUNE, EDUCATOR
"It’s better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one, than have an opportunity and not be prepared." - WHITNEY YOUNG, FOUNDER, NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE
"Stand on your own two black feet and fight like hell for your place in the world." - AMY JACQUE GARVEY, BLACK NATIONALIST
"A problem not worth praying about is not worth worrying about." -AZIE TAYLOR MORTON, FIRST AFRICANAMERICAN TREASURER OF THE USA
"Can’t nothin’ make your life work if you ain’t the architect." -TERRY MCMILLAN, AUTHOR AND LECTURER
"It’s no disgrace to start over or begin anew." - BEBE MOORE CAMPBELL, JOURNALIST AND WRITER
"I’m no martyr, I just had a hard day at work and I was too tired to give up my seat." - ROSA PARKS, MOTHER OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT WAKE UP.
"The hour has come to be more responsible. Change this world by starting with yourself. The world is not going to change until you change." - DR. BETTY SHABAZZ, EDUCATOR, WIFE, WIDOW OF MALCOLM X
"There is only one source - the Spirit of God. There’s no need to search any further." - BARBARA KING, PASTOR HILLSIDE INTERNATIONAL TRUTH CENTER