Galveston's Beachfront

Clean Green & Pristine: Because of the Parkboard
THE GALVESTON PARK BOARD IS CHARGED WITH DIRECTING TOURISM EFFORTS ON THE ISLAND – IT’S OUR JOB TO BALANCE WHAT’S GOOD FOR VISITORS WITH WHAT’S GOOD FOR RESIDENTS.After all, most of the visitors who come here do so to dip their toes in the Gulf and most of the people who have chosen to live here do so to be close to the water. Keeping the beach environment clean and educating beach goers about its fragility is a top priority for the organization
Current Environmental Initiatives:
Washed Ashore, Art to Save The Sea
Gearing up for Nesting Season:
Beach nesting season is quickly approaching for our local bird and sea turtle friends. As stewards of the beachfront, our Coastal Zone Management crews understand what an important time of year this is for them. Beginning work at the crack of dawn, our crews are often the first to identify a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle’s tracks
Every year, our crews go through a Wildlife Monitoring Training program. They are taught how to spot tracks and what to look for, best practices they can use on the beachfront to ensure safety for all that call the beach home, and how to properly respond if an injured or endangered bird, sea turtle, or dolphin is found. The Park Board works closely with the Gulf Center forSea Turtle Research, the American Bird Conservancy, and the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network to make sure we are prepared for any wildlife we may encounter on the beach
Would you like to get involved? The Gulf Center for Sea TurtleResearch (GCSTR) runs the Sea Aggie Turtle Patrol here on the island, and they rely on volunteers to help them find nests and care for stranded sea turtles. If you would like to volunteer on the Sea Aggie Turtle Patrol contact Paige Breon, GCSTR’s Nesting Program Manager, at
The American Bird Conservancy and SPLASh (Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines) are always looking for volunteers to aid their beach clean-ups and is currently hosting an art contest to design litter prevention signage for children ages 5-18. Learn more by visiting their website
Lastly, the Texas Marine Mammal Network relies on volunteers to help with stranding responses and rehabilitation monitoring. You can find more information about their volunteer opportunities on their website at
Another way to help these groups is to sign-up for the annual NestFest cleanup! All of these organizations, including Texas Master Naturalists, come together to host clean-up sites along Galveston Island, Follet’s Island, and Bolivar Peninsula to prepare the beaches for nesting season. NestFest takes place on March 12, 2024 from 9:00am – 12:00pm. You can sign up to participate on the SPLASh website, using the
Expanding the Beach Ambassador Program:
The Park Board’s Coastal Zone Management team works around the clock, 365 days a year to clean 32 miles of shoreline. Assisting them are many volunteers who take it upon themselves to pick up litter during their morning beach walks. If you’re one of those – thank you! Last year, this dynamic crew collected more than 700 pounds of trash from the beaches.
Come clean the beach with us and consider joining the Galveston Beach Ambassador Program. It’s a great way to meet like-minded friends and join together to do good work. For more information and to join, please visit the Park Board website at
Showcasing Women in Coastal Science:
Back by popular demand is the Women in Coastal Science speaker series. As its name suggests, the series highlights women at the top of their fields in coastal sciences who join us out on the beach to share aspects of their work and what led them to choose their careers.The format is relaxed, interview-style sessions. Season three of the free presentations will take place at 9 a.m. at East Beach on the fourth Friday of each month from March through October. The schedule will include two Saturday sessions in 2024. You can listen to season two speakers on the Galveston Park Board website
If you're passionate about preservation, connect with us and learn more about our initiatives at