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Hike for Hope

Galveston Hike for Hope on March 26th, 9am-1pm

Suicide is something that doesn't always get talked about. It’s also something that doesn’t discriminate. People often have this misconception that only visibly depressed people die by suicide and that just isn’t true. Often times it’s the person who looks so put together on the outside who is really the one falling apart on the inside.

On Sat, Jan 26, 2002, I received a phone call informing me my mom died. I literally answered my phone and after saying hello, all I heard was “Terri, your mom is dead!” I was shocked but not surprised. For the majority of my childhood, teenage years and early adulthood my mom struggled with depression and addiction. There were several times she attempted suicide but it wasn’t until the night of my grandma’s funeral that she actually succeeded.

Processing my mom’s death was hard for me. It was easier to pretend I was ok than to productively heal. I finally came to the understanding that she did what she felt was best for her and no matter how much I wish I could have prevented it, I couldn’t keep her alive. My mom felt hopeless and thought ending her life was better than living it. That thought breaks my heart because I know there are so many people out there silently suffering and are convinced life is better without them. That’s so not true, so I got involved with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to help spread a little hope and love to people who are hurting.

The Galveston Hike for Hope is a 5K walk down the Seawall, beginning at the McGuire Dent Rec Center. The event will feature local vendors, mental health vendors, music, a small kids’ zone, and a commencement ceremony. I have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have reached out to me to see how they could help or who have shared their stories of loss. I’m looking forward to bringing those people together at this walk so we can honor our loved ones who have died by suicide.


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